Guide To Painting Accent Walls Into Your Home Interior in Louisville, KY

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Guide To Painting Accent Walls Into Your Home Interior in Louisville, KY

If you’re looking for a way to spice up a gloomy, run-down space, doing an accent wall might be the unexpected solution you wouldn’t expect to work so well!

Painting accent walls in your home interior is a popular design strategy used to add depth, interest, and personality to a room.

An accent wall is characterized as one wall or a section of a wall that is painted a different color from the rest of the walls in a room, serving as a focal point.

This design element can dramatically change the feel of a space without the need for a complete renovation.

So, if you’re currently planning to paint an accent wall on your home interior, here’s something you might find useful!

Here’s a Guide To Painting Accent Walls Into Your Home Interior.

1. Choosing the Right Wall

The first step to painting an accent wall on your home interior involves your good judgment in choosing the right wall to paint it on. 

When you’re painting an accent wall on your home interior, you’d want to do it on the right part of the room – something that is unobstructed by large objects, and ideally the focal point of the space you’re planning to paint. 

These could be the spaces behind the headboard, if you’re painting your bedroom, or the wall facing the entrance of a living room.

Additionally, you’d want to consider the lighting present in the space and the colors/elements near where you’re going to be painting your accent wall since these will also significantly affect how your accent wall will end up looking. 

While this may seem to be a step that you can merely overlook and not think about that much, you must remember that painting the right wall for your project will be the key to avoiding having an accent wall that looks haphazardly placed or odd-looking – which will render its original intent useless!

2. Selecting the Perfect Color or Pattern

After making sure that you have the right wall to paint your accent wall on, you’ll now want to plan how you want your accent wall to turn out.

Accent walls are extremely versatile design strategies; they could come in one simple color, or a two-toned wall, a patterned space, an intricate mural, or even go beyond paint and have a textured accent wall!

There is a lot to choose from when it comes to accent walls – and while this may seem exciting, it could also easily confuse the already confused homeowner!

So, to ensure that you end up with an accent wall you’ll absolutely like, make sure to properly and comprehensively plan out your vision for your project.

To have a reference, you can look up design inspirations readily available online, or go to your nearest paint store and consult with a paint professional. 

3. Preparing the Wall

After all the necessary pre-project preparations, you’d now want to jump right into your project – but before anything else, make sure to do proper surface preparation first.

Proper surface preparation is the key to achieving a smooth, even paint finish, which is essentially a successful painting project. 

You’ll want to start by cleaning the wall to remove dust and dirt, then inspect the wall for any possible cracks or damage.

If necessary, fill any of these cracks or damages with spackling paste, before sanding the surface smooth once it dries.

If you happen to be going from a darker wall color, you’d want to prime the surface first to ensure fuller coverage for your accent wall, ensuring that the old darker color won’t be bleeding through your fresh coat of paint. 

4. Painting Your Wall

After making sure that you have everything done, it’s now time for the fun part – painting your accent wall!

In beginning to paint your accent wall, you’d want to have your varied kinds of brushes and rollers at ready – having different kinds of paint applicators is essential for different kinds of painting functions (using rollers for general areas, brushes for edges/corners and for making intricate details).

You should begin by cutting in at the edges and corners with a brush before filling in the larger areas with a roller.

If you’re not exactly confident with doing this, make sure to use painter’s tape on the edges of your wall, to protect them from paint smudges or streaks. 

Take your time at this stage, to ensure that you won’t be making any unnecessary messes and mistakes – slow but sure is the way to go!

5. Adding Finishing Touches

Finally, you may want to add any finishing touches that complement the accent wall and tie the room together.

This could include hanging artwork, installing shelves, or adding decorative items that match the accent wall’s color or pattern.

Lighting also plays a crucial role in highlighting the accent wall.

Consider installing directional lighting, such as track lights or wall-mounted fixtures, to enhance the wall’s texture, color, or any artwork that could match the overall aesthetics of your accent wall. 


Hire a Professional Painting Contractor
Having said that, if you don’t have the time, skill, or tools to repaint your home interior Serious Business Painting can help.
We are currently serving the areas of Louisville, Shelby County, Oldham County, Anchorage, Prospect, and Jefferson Town, Kentucky.
Book a FREE estimate below or call us 502-641-7969 if you need any more information.

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