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August 22, 2022Bathroom Cabinet Painting Preparation Tips in Prospect, KY
Even if we don’t really think about it that much, one of the essential things that bring out the beauty of your bathroom is your bathroom cabinets.
The overall state of your bathroom cabinets contributes greatly to the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom – so ideally, you would want them to look as good as possible.
If you’re planning to elevate their appeal by applying a fresh coat of paint on them but are unsure about how to properly prepare for such a painting project, here’s something you can read and digest.
Here are Bathroom Cabinet Painting Preparation Tips.
1. Make Sure To Buy The Right Kind of Paint
In preparing to paint your bathroom cabinets, you should make sure to acquire the right kind of paint for them.
There are many kinds of paint on the market, specially formulated to cater to a specific kind of painting project or a specific surface.
There are designated paints made for painting your exterior and your interior.
Also, some paint is better for smoother surfaces, wood, metal, and so much more.
So, before you go out and buy paint for your bathroom cabinets, you should have a conversation with your local paint expert first about your best choices for painting your bathroom cabinets at home.
2. Always Remember To Do Surface Preparation
Our bathroom cabinets usually get dirt, grime, or muck because they are in proximity to water and moisture – it is just inevitable because our bathroom is a place in our homes that is always exposed to water, muck, and other things.
With this in mind, if you want to paint your bathroom cabinets, you’ll get better results if you do a thorough job of preparing the surface first.
Surface preparation means cleaning, scraping away some accumulated muck on your cabinets, and just overall making sure the surface of your bathroom cabinets is free of any dirt.
As an additional tip, lightly sanding the surface of your bathroom cabinets will be a great finishing add-on so you can ensure that no muck or slime is still on there and that the paint goes on evenly and cleanly.
3. Cover All Necessary Areas and Fixtures With A Dropcloth
To avoid cleaning up paint spills and splatters right after you’ve finished painting your bathroom cabinets, you should make sure to grab some drop cloths when you’re shopping for painting materials.
When painting, the paint will always drip, spill, and make a mess.
So, you should cover all necessary areas and bathroom fixtures with a drop cloth before you paint your cabinets to avoid getting paint all over them, which can be fussy to fix right after.
4. Make Sure To Get The Right Color
When choosing a color for your bathroom cabinets, you should think about the lighting present in your bathroom and the present colors in it.
The lighting of your bathroom is a huge factor in choosing your paint color because it determines which colors will look best with it – different lightings bring out different shades and undertones to a certain paint color, which can either be flattering or not.
Additionally, you should also consider choosing a color that will complement and go well with the present colors in your bathroom, because you want to still achieve a sense of aesthetic cohesion and harmony in your bathroom.
To ensure that you do end up with the right paint color, you should make sure to check paint samples in your bathroom, so you can check how the lighting affects your color choices, and ensure that you can see if your chosen paint color goes well with the present colors in the space.
Hire a Professional Painting Contractor
Having said that, if you don’t have the time, skill, or tools to do any painting project on your own, Serious Business Painting can help.
We are currently serving the areas of Louisville, Shelby County, Oldham County, Anchorage, Prospect, and Jefferson Town, Kentucky.
Book a FREE estimate below or call us at 502-641-7969 if you need more information.
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